The Lost Tomb

We are trying to build something beyond ordinary escape rooms. Thus we define our games ‘Adventure’. For instance, in this game The Lost Tomb, we managed to replicate an eastern ancient tomb that reveals the beauty and mystery from the far eastern world. The tomb was designed elaborately to fit the space and has complicate structure rather than just rooms. Some physical action is needed in this game. Plus all the fully automated puzzles and triggers, players will be joining a real adventure like no other.
Here is a video trailer taken in our game. Enjoy.


Again, in this game, we are trying to add more elements than traditional escape rooms. Interaction is the key. There are staff actors (know as NPC in video games) in the game. They may be able to help you or you need to help them. We have also built a massive maze as a part of this game. In the darkness, something alive and unknown is waiting for you.
The Biohazard is the largest escape room game you will ever see. I wish everyone will enjoy this 2-hour journey and challenge in this apocalypse world.

Dr. Q Escape Room
1 Claremont St. South Yarra, Melbourne, VIC, 3141
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0432 690 828